This can be easily assembled with C++ in an Arduino:
typedef struct timer {This structure defines a new variable type that consists on:
boolean in;
unsigned int pt;
unsigned int et;
boolean q;
- IN: a digital input, that starts the timing after it is at ON state;
- PT: after PT-time, output Q shall trigger to ON state;
- ET: this is the amount of time after IN has gone to ON;
- Q: the timer output, that would be ON after ET=PT.
Simple, isn't it?
After creating this structure, we must create this timers and call an end() routine at the end of the program.
For example,
#define MAXT 6and inside our program
timer t[MAXT];
t[4].in = !t[5].q;This sets timer 4 to start 8 seconds after timer 5 is OFF. Afterwards, timer 5 counts 1 second and both timers go to OFF state and the cycle restarts. The digital output shall blink for 1 second each 8 seconds.
t[4].pt = 800;
t[5].in = t[4].q;
t[5].pt = 100;
digitalWrite( MONI_PIN, t[4].q);
At the end of the loop() section, we must call an end() routine which looks like:
void end() {
byte i;
// timers
for (i=0;i<MAXT;i++) {
if (!t[i].in) {
t[i].q = false;
t[i].et = t[i].pt;
t[i].q = (t[i].in && (t[i].et == 0));
if (millis() > lastTime) {
lastTime = millis() + 10;
for (i=0;i<MAXT;i++)
if (t[i].in && t[i].et>0) t[i].et--;
- Time Counters are decreasing. This makes things easier for the processor. This is common in some commercial PLCs.
- Avoid any "delay" function in loop() section. Otherwise, timers would not behave as expected.
This is another similar approach to PLC Timers:
The main difference relies on the "end()" instance at the end of the "loop()". This one calls "CTU" or "TON" functions each time.